Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19 "A Room of One's Own"

Zahra's word: to equivocate=use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself.

If you were absent yesterday, see me during class to 

make arrangements to make up the vocabulary and

 semi-colon tests.

“Not that we are aware of,” she equivocated.

Learning Target: I can read closely for textual details
                             I can annotate a text to support my                                                    comprehension and analysis
                             I can engage in a productive, evidence-based                                       conversation
                             I can determine the meaning of unknown                                          vocabulary from contextual clues
                             I can generate and respond to questions in a                                        scholarly discourse.

In class: please take out your "A Room of One's Own" graphic organizer. Please find below the directions for the accountable talk exercise we will follow these next three days. At the end of each day, I will collect your completed work, for which you will receive a participation grade.  

Accountable Talk directions for “A Room of One’s Own”

Everyone has been assigned a partner for the day. Beyond the task at hand, this aspect is part of the rubric involving social skills; hence for today, this will be your classroom participation grade. 

1.   Take out your “A Room of One’s Own” graphic organizer. Get with your partner.
2.   I have broken down each section into three parts: text, questions / responses / annotation.

3.   With your partner, you will take turns reading aloud to each other.

Read  aloud –(one person down to “Shakespeare”, the other down to the “logic” on the first page.

A Discuss question 1 and come to a consensus, each of you writing in the response on your organizer for both the question and annotations.
4.   Continue in this manner for each section, again taking turns on the reading and responding to the questions.

5.   Note that all sections should be filled in.

6.   The goal today is to complete through “Elephant and Castle”

I will collect these at the close of class to check on your progress.

You will be working with someone else tomorrow.
                                      Wednesday           Thursday                       Friday
Davidson, Demi             Mahogany                                                              
Harris, Faezhon D
Moran, Thomas                  Marc
Sanchez, Jayson F
Wilkerson, Chaz                 Keion
Bellucci, Zahra                     Adriana
Clark-Patterson, Seneca
Crespo, Marc Anthony          Thomas
Dolan, Elaine                          Tim
Edwards, Keion R                   Chaz    
Fox, Emily                               Tanisha
Heganovic, Birnela                   Kalvon
Houchins-Morrison, Kalvon    Birnela
Igartua, Rafael
Jarvis, Joseph                            Alenna
Jones, Tanisha                           Emily
Lewis, Mahogany                     Demi
Lopez, Xavier
Rodriguez, Timothy                Elaine               
Streeter, Adrianna                   Zahra
Streeter, Alenna                      Joseph

Student Name ▲                                Wed                         Thurs                Friday
                Allison, Rodney                     Jameya
                Austin, Allen                          James
                Bracey, Xavier                       Kat
                Bucchan, Rahim                    Cliff
                Cable, Stephen                        Rodney
                Clarke, James                         Allen
                Davis, Kathryn R                    Xavier
                Green, Clifton A III               Rahim
                Harris, Khiara A                    Jenna
                Hillabush, Jenna                      Khiara
                Kamara, Momoh                    Starasia
                Lane, Lauren                          Arelle
                McCoy, Starasia                      Momoh
                McGriff, Nathaniel A              Shaelyn     
                Pearson, Arelle                       Lauren
                Peterson, India                        Samyra
                Rapp, Shealyn                        Nate
                Rivera, Emmanuel                 Christian       
                Rogers, Alexis                       Katie W
                Ryland-Buntley, Starr E        Alyssa
                Schulwitz, Alyssa L               Starr
                Simmons, Christian                Emmanuel
                Siplin, Samyra                           India
                Smith, Jameya                      Stephen
                Weiler, Katherine                   Alexis

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