Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Final Project - Act 5.2 The Poisoned Cup

A note from the artist:
"The cup is the most important in the last act because everybody dies because of it, not knowing it was poison. Claudius was the one to blame for the cup and also Gertrude's death. In lines 292 after Gertrude drinks the cup Claudius says "it is the poisoned cup. It is too late." Then in lines 309 and 310 the Queen says "No, no, the drink, the drink - O my dear Hamlet / The drink, the drink! I am poison'd." So as you can see in the last act the poison cup was in a lot of action. The poison pearl can be seen in the cup."


  1. This is so wonderful. I love that you bring in textual evidence and are able to create a visual representation of the most important piece of the act. You took a written work and made a physical object out of it, which is awesome!

  2. I love that you were so attentive to detail that you placed the poison pearl in the cup!
