Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Final Project - Ophelia's Oppression Visual Art

A note from the artist:

"I used symbolism to represent Ophelia's personality and character. Her hands are clasped to show her patience and docile behavior. Claudius and Polonius are both clutching Ophelia in a possessive fashion, and she shows no intention to protest. Ophelia is looking at a songbird perched outside the window, indicating a desire for freedom. The songbird, in essence, encapsulates that freedom in three ways: it has wings to fly away from discomforting situations, bright colors that represent its individuality, and the ability vocalize distasteful sentiments (the notes it sings are E, F, and G# - when sung one after another, the sound is a harsh clash. Ophelia does not have the same luxury of expressing such distasteful sentiments.) The fact that Hamlet is approaching in the background shows the aura of possession over Ophelia indicating that he, too, will show possession over her."


  1. What a powerful representation of Ophelia's personality and character! The use of a colorful songbird to symbolize Ophelia's desire for freedom is perfect and can even be seen as a prevalent image for the continuing struggle for equal rights faced by women today. This is a tremendously clever and thought provoking piece. Nicely done!

  2. This is such a strong, influential piece of art! There is so much detail and symbolism to it, it is truly amazing.

  3. You make a strong statement here - and it's complex, expressing both Ophelia's oppression and the freedom which eludes her. Well done.
