Zahra's word of the day: fledgling: a person or
organization that is immature, inexperienced, or
underdeveloped. (also a baby bird)
"the fledgling democracies of eastern Europe"
For the most part, everyone was on task yesterday. I heard some excellent conversations related to the text. As well, everyone is successfully pulling out evidence from the text. Don't forget the annotation column. Keep in mind that there are no "right" answers here. This is where it is especially important to share ideas. You might note a connection, pose a question, make a personal comment about what you just read.
Learning Target: I can read closely for textual details
I can annotate a text to support my comprehension and analysis
I can engage in a productive, evidence-based conversation
I can determine the meaning of unknown vocabulary from contextual clues
I can generate and respond to questions in a scholarly discourse.
In class: please take out your "A Room of One's Own" graphic organizer. Please find below the directions for the accountable talk exercise we will follow these next three days. At the end of each day, I will collect your completed work, for which you will receive a participation grade.
Accountable Talk directions for “A Room of One’s Own”
Everyone has been assigned a partner for the day. Beyond the task at hand, this aspect is part of the rubric involving social skills; hence for today, this will be your classroom participation grade.
1. Take out your “A Room of One’s Own” graphic organizer. Get with your partner.
2. I have broken down each section into three parts: text, questions / responses / annotation.
3. With your partner, you will take turns reading aloud to each other.
Read aloud –(one person down to “Shakespeare”, the other down to the “logic” on the first page.
A Discuss question 1 and come to a consensus, each of you writing in the response on your organizer for both the question and annotations.
4. Continue in this manner for each section, again taking turns on the reading and responding to the questions.
5. Note that all sections should be filled in.
I will collect these at the close of class to check on your progress.
Period 4 Please note the changes. If you were absent yesterday, you will need to work independently, as the groups are further along in the text.
Student Name ▲ Wed Thurs Friday
Allison, Rodney Jameya absent
Austin, Allen James James
Bracey, Xavier Kat independent
Bucchan, Rahim Cliff Stephen
Cable, Stephen Rodney Rahim
Clarke, James Allen Allen
Davis, Kathryn R Shaelyn
Green, Clifton A III Rahim Nate
Harris, Khiara A Jenna Jenna
Hillabush, Jenna Khiara Khiara
Kamara, Momoh Starasia Starasia / Jameya
Lane, Lauren Arelle Starr / Alyssa
McCoy, Starasia Momoh Jameya / Momoh
McGriff, Nathaniel A Shaelyn Cliff
Pearson, Arelle Lauren independent
Peterson, India Samyra independent
Rapp, Shealyn Nate Cliff
Rivera, Emmanuel Christian Emmanuel
Rogers, Alexis Katie W Katie
Ryland-Buntley, Starr E Alyssa Alyssa / Lauren
Schulwitz, Alyssa L Starr Starr / Lauren
Simmons, Christian Emmanuel Emmanuel
Siplin, Samyra India independent
Smith, Jameya Stephen Momoh / Starasia
Weiler, Katherine Alexis Alexis
Chances are, you clicked on a Google Ads text ad inadvertently, as effective text ads are mixed with search results. Creating screens that match the style of legitimate search results will attract customers to your website. It also means that people will see your website when they search for a similar service or product. What could be a better combination?