Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10 "My Last Duchess"

Reminder: I am available 1, 2, 6 and 7, as well as before and after school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for individual assistance. These are also the times to make up missing work. No work will be made up during class.
I do not have signed criteria sheets for the following individuals. At this point, I have put a ZERO grade in. When you turn in your criteria sheet, it will change.

Rodney, Clifton, Lauren, Xavier, Isaiah, India
Kalvon, Tim

Due Friday: "My Last Duchess" vocabulary 2 test. (remember vocabulary and grammar exercises will
count in the homework category.) Review your words each day. The first part of the test is matching, the second is filling in through contextual clues. You will not be able to the second half, without a solid understanding of the first part.

In class: working on the graphic organizer, which accompanies "My Last Duchess".  I am handing back the graded anticipatory statement from yesterday. I will read the poem through; please follow along.
Completion of questions 1-9 from the graphic organizer we began yesterday. This ends with reading the poem silently to yourself.  This is independent work. Raise your hand and Ms. Bowering and I will assist you. Those who have difficulty will be invited to after school to work with me. Thank you. Please be respectful of your classmates. 

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