Sunday, September 7, 2014

Monday, September 8 My Last Duchess first listen/ vocab test

In class: - vocabulary test.  Try your best. I will have these back tomorrow. If you are unsatisfied with your grade, you may retake the test AFTER SCHOOL TOMORROW ONLY IN 176.. Any talking during the test is an automatic zero and a call home.
Due Friday: My Last Duchess vocabulary 2 test. class handout / copy below.
Please note that you are able to access the blog on your phone; so do not use the excuse that that you do not have a computer.
The blog address is displayed everyday at the beginning of class. Thank you to the 22 students who have checked the blog. It automatically shows up and is duly noted. 
Make sure to check your grades on your parent / student connect. They are available 24 hours after being posted.  No class grade reports!

If you are new to the class, please sit quietly and I will catch you up.

When you are finished, please copy the following into your class notebook.

Dramatic monologue
A dramatic monologue in poetry, also known as a persona poem, shares many characteristics with a theatrical monologue: an audience is implied; there is no dialogue; and the poet speaks through an assumed voice—a character, a fictional identity, or a persona. Because a dramatic monologue is by definition one person’s speech, it is offered without overt analysis or commentary, placing emphasis on subjective qualities that are left to the audience to interpret.My Last Duchess by Robert Browning   vocabulary 2
Test on Friday, September 12   It will follow the same format as the previous test: 10 matching and 10 sentences where you will fill in the correct word based upon context.
1.    aesthetics (noun)- a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty
2.    Fra Pandolf- the painter of the Duchess’s portrait
3.    emissary (noun) -a person sent on a special mission, usually as a diplomatic representative.
4.    notable (adjective / noun)- worthy of attention or notice; remarkable./  a famous or important person.
5.    widow / widower (noun)- a woman man  who has lost her husband by death and has not remarried.
6.    To reminisce (verb)- indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.
7.    flirtatious  (adjective)- behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual attraction to someone.
8.    diatribe (noun)- a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
9.    to escalate (verb)- become or cause to become more intense or serious.
10.                       demise (noun)- a person's death.

copy of handout

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