Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5 "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning.

    you will need to go to yesterday's - Thursday, September 4- blog to complete the assignment.
See me after school on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday or periods 1, 2 6 or 7. If you need a pass, let me know.
Yesterday you looked at a couple portraits and noted the power dynamics of two people.
On Monday, we'll begin the poem "My Last Duchess" and you probably have sensed that the poem we will be looking at is about power and relationships.  

I would like you to turn to your neighbor and discuss for two minutes what is power and where does it come from. Be prepared to share. I will pass yesterday's graded notebooks. Please put your signed criteria sheets on the desk; I will collect them. 

Due today: signed criteria sheet for 100 points. After today, it is only worth 50 points.

Due Monday:"My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning vocabulary test. There is a copy of the list handed out on Wednesday on the blog:

In class:
 Copy the following onto a separate page in your note book. When you have finished, leave a line and put the definition into your own words. I will collect this for a class participation grade.

Dramatic monologue
A dramatic monologue in poetry, also known as a persona poem, shares many characteristics with a theatrical monologue: an audience is implied; there is no dialogue; and the poet speaks through an assumed voice—a character, a fictional identity, or a persona. Because a dramatic monologue is by definition one person’s speech, it is offered without overt analysis or commentary, placing emphasis on subjective qualities that are left to the audience to interpret.

In class:Practice for selecting the correct vocabulary word in a sentence through contextual cues. class handout /copy below
      “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning
Practice exercise on inserting the correct vocabulary work based upon contextual clues. Note that you must know the definition of the word well. You will not see definitions on Monday’s test. Note that you might have to change the form of a word, so that it makes sense. This could be a verb tense change or using the word as a different part of speech.

1.      countenance (noun)- a person’s face or facial expression
2.      mantle (noun)- a loose sleeveless cloak or shawl, worn especially by women.
3.      bough (noun)- a main branch of a tree.
4.      trifling (noun or adjective)- unimportant or trivial.
5.      officious (adjective)- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.
6.      munificence (noun)- the quality or action of being lavishly generous; great generosity.
7.      dowry (noun)- the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage
8.      to avow (verb)- to declare or state (something) in an open and public way
9.      dramatic monologue- (noun) -a literary work (as a poem) in which a speaker's character is revealed in a monologue usually addressed to a second person
10.            earnest-(adjective)- a serious and intent mental state

1.      Jamichael was _______________________ in his desire to become a doctor, so spent long evenings diligently studying.
2.      I accepted that I deserved a parking ticket, but the ______________________________ manner in which the officer wrote the citation, because I was a mere two inches too far from the curb, was irritating.
3.      Andrew Carnegie’s ______________________________________ meant that there would be free libraries all over the United States.
4.      When the tree was felled, they counted over 200 rings on the ______________________________.
5.      Hamlet spoke to the wind in a ________________________________________, recounting the tortures of his mind.
6.      One way some people remove the wrinkles from their _________________________________ is to have box injections.
7.      The couple stood before the altar and _________________________________ their commitment to one another.
8.      Obviously, students consider the value of a penny to be ___________________________, for there isn’t a day when I don’t pick one up.
9.      Cloaks and _____________________________________ have made a fashion reappearance this season.
10.               In contemporary society the ________________________________ has sometimes been replaced with the bride’s parents paying for the wedding.

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