Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 26 Hamlet day 2.

I never received your "My Last Duchess" essay from the following students. 

Starr, Seneca, Rodney, Raphael, Esteban and Tim

Hamlet: Dramatis Personae

Hamlet- son to the late and nephew to the present King

 Claudius- King of Denmark
 Gertrude- Queen of Denmark and mother to Hamlet
 Ophelia- daughter to Polonius
 Polonius- Lord Chamberlain
 Horatio- friend to Hamlet
 Ghost- Hamlet's father
 Laertes- son to Polonius
 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern- courtiers
 Cornelius and Voltimand
 Marcellus- officer
 Bernardo- officer
 Francisco- a soldier
 Reynaldo- servant to Polonius
 Two clowns- grave-diggers
 Fortinbras- Prince of Norway

A little background information
Where William Shakespeare set the play:
. Elsinore, Denmark: in and around the royal palace. The story of Hamlet is set in the late middle ages (14th and 15th centuries, or 1300 to 1499) in and around (mostly) the royal palace in Elsinore, a city in Denmark.
However: This is a universal plot line, so directors have transposed the setting to various historical and place times.

In class work: independent reading of Act I.i. and 11 accompanying text-based questions. This is due by the end of class or by Monday if you are unable to finish it. Again, it is silent independent work.and a graded assignment. (class handout / copy below)

Hamlet by William Shakespeare     ActI.i.100-175
1.       Quick write: look at the title of the play: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.
What information may be gathered from the title.

a.       _______________________________________________________________________
b.      ________________________________________________________________________
c.       ________________________________________________________________________
d.      ________________________________________________________________________
2.       Look into the text at the dramatis personae (character list) at the first four names. What information can you gather?
a.       ________________________________________________________________________________________

b.      _________________________________________________________________________________________

c.       ________________________________________________________________________________________

d.      _________________________________________________________________________________________

3.       Read lines 1-61.  From “Who’s there? / Nay, answer me. Stand and unfold yourself” to “Stay! Speak! speak! I charge thee, speak!” 
What is the tone established in these lines? How is it accomplished? Use specific text to support your response.
4.       Look at line 7. What is Barnardo doing?
5.       Look at lines 28-30.  According to Marcellus, what does Horation think of the Ghost?

6.       How many times have Barnardo and Marcellus seen the Ghost?
  The following questions are from lines 47-61
7.       How does Marcellus react to the appearance of the Ghost?  (quote)
8.       How does Barnardo react to the Ghost?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________9.  How does Horatio react to the Ghost?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________10. Read Marcellus’ lines 157-164. Paraphrase his reasoning for why the Ghost has disappeared.
11. Read Horatio’s lines 165-173.
    a. To whom will Horatio impart the knowledge? ________________________________________
12.   For what two reasons does Horatio give for wanting to disseminate this information? (quote)
a. _________________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________________

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