Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Act 3 Review & Film Viewing

For the first 10 minutes of class, we will review the questions from the graphic organizer.

Film: (watch 12 min - end) (watch entire clip) (watch beginning-4 min)

Questions to be completed:
  1. Describe Hamlet’s interaction with the player. What is he trying to do?
  2. After Claudius storms out of the play, what is Hamlet’s reaction with Horatio?
  3. “Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?” – Hamlet. What is the meaning of Hamlet saying this to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
  4. Where does Claudius want to send Hamlet, and who will go with him?
  5. Describe Claudius’ tone and attitude during his confession – how is this different from what we’ve seen in Hamlet’s past soliloquys?
  6. Claudius’ last line is “words without thoughts never to heaven go.” What does this mean?

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