Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thursday, March 5 graphic organizer for "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"


Sierra Nevada Mountains 

In class: power point review of this week's vocabulary...quiz tomorrow.
 Note: Making up  the Frome test from February 23 is no longer an option.  The zeros remain!

 Some still owe the in class writing assignment on "The Story of an Hour"!  last date is Wednesday, March 11
Also, some still need to make up the vocabulary quiz from Friday, February 27. last date is Monday, March 2.

Review of material from board yesterday.

 Poker Flat                          characters              Sandy Bottom 
                                          meet in mountain       Tom Simson
Mr. Oakhurst- gambler              valley                                                                                                                             Piney Woods
Billy- "drunkard" sluice robber                                                                                                                                    (The Innocents)
Mother Shipton

Today you will continue Bret Harte's "The Outcasts of Poker Flats", responding to the questions on the accompanying graphic organizer, which is due at the end of class tomorrow. This will count as a writing grade.  Take your time.  Class handout / copy below.

Name _____________________________
Accompanying graphic organizer for Bret Harte’s short story “The Outcasts of Poker Flat”
As you read through the story, note how Bret Harte’s characters and events in “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” are closely tied to the geographical setting. If the setting were moved, the characters and their behavior would no longer be believable and the work would not be effective.
1.       Name of character                   Textual descriptors that makes him or her appropriate for a story set in the old West

2. Write 12 scenic details associated with the old West from the text  

Respond to the following in a well-thought out complete sentence
3. What inferences about the attitudes and customs of the people of Poker Flat can you make from the following passages?
a.       A few of the committee had urged hanging him as a possible example, and a sure method of reimbursing themselves from his pocket of the sums he had won from them."
b.      " 'It's a fine justice,' said Jim Wheeler, 'to let this yer young man-an entire stranger-carry away our money.' "
      4. Though the characters in this story have little in common, they band together in support of one another.
          a. What draws these people together? (Note details: names, ages, occupations, and vividness of the setting in a well-written and thorough response.
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b.      Now look deeper. What types of situations tend to draw people together in real life? Why?  (Again, a well-written response)

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