Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27 sharing out journal writing from "How the Other Half Lives" vocabulary quiz

In class: vocabulary quiz
Who was Horatio Alger?
Horatio Alger, Jr. (1834-99) was a prolific writer of dime novel stories for boys. From the debut of his first novel, Ragged Dick, in 1867, Alger was instrumental in establishing a new genre of dime novels known as the 'city story.' The genre arose out of the wide-spread urbanization that followed the Civil War and paralleled the rise of industrialism. Alger's stories heroicized the young street urchins living in poverty among large, urban centers such as New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. With uncommon courage and moral fortitude, Alger's youths struggle against adversity to achieve great wealth and acclaim. These rags to riches stories were enormously popular with the public and flourished in the decades from 1870 to 1890.
Assignment: read the excerpt from The Cash Boy Has An Adventure and respond in quick write to the following: Why were the Horatio Alger Stories so popular?
To further the philosophy of Horatio Alger, Jr. and to encourage the spirit of Strive & Succeed that for half a century guided Alger's undaunted heroes
Four weeks passed. The duties of a cash-boy are simple enough, and Frank had no difficulty in discharging them satisfactorily. At first he found it tiresome, being on his feet all day, for the cash-boys were not allowed to sit down, but he got used to this, being young and strong.

All this was very satisfactory, but one thing gave Frank uneasiness. His income was very inadequate to his wants.

"What makes you so glum, Frank?" asked Jasper Wheelock one evening.

"Do I look glum?" said Frank. "I was only thinking how I could earn more money. You know how little I get. I can hardly take care of myself, much less take care of Grace."

"I can lend you some money, Frank. Thanks to your good advice, I have got some laid up."

"Thank you, Jasper, but that wouldn't help matters. I should owe you the money, and I don't know how I could pay you."

"About increasing your income, I really don't know," said Jasper. "I am afraid Gilbert & Mack wouldn't raise your wages."

"I don't expect it. All the rest of the cash-boys would ask the same thing."

"True; still I know they are very well pleased with you. Duncan told me you did more work than any of the rest of the boys."

"I try to do all I can."

"He said you would make a good salesman, he thought. Of course you are too young for that yet."

"I suppose I am."

"Frank, I am earning fifteen dollars a week, you know, and I can get along on ten, but of the five I save let me give you two. I shall never feel it, and by and by when you are promoted it won't be necessary."

"Jasper, you are a true friend," said Frank, warmly; "but it wouldn't be right for me to accept your kind offer, though I shan't forget it. You have been a good friend to me."

"And you to me, Frank. I'll look out for you. Perhaps I may hear of something for you."

Small as Frank's income was, he had managed to live within it. It will be remembered that he had paid but fifty cents a week for a room. By great economy he had made his meals cost but two dollars a week, so that out of his three dollars he saved fifty cents. But this saving would not be sufficient to pay for his clothes. However, he had had no occasion to buy any as yet, and his little fund altogether amounted to twenty dollars. Of this sum he inclosed {sic} eight dollars to Mr. Pomeroy to pay for four weeks' board for Grace.

"I hope I shall be able to keep it up," he said to himself, thoughtfully. "At any rate, I've got enough to pay for six weeks more. Before that time something may turn up."

Several days passed without showing Frank any way by which he could increase his income. Jasper again offered to give him two dollars a week out of his own wages, but this our hero steadily refused.

One Friday evening, just as the store was about to close, the head salesman called Frank to him.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

"In Sixth avenue, near Twenty-fifth street."

"There's a bundle to go to Forty-sixth street. I'll pay your fare upon the stage if you'll carry it. I promised to send it to-night, and I don't like to disappoint the lady."

"I can carry it just as well as not."

Frank took the bundle, and got on board a passing omnibus. There was just one seat vacant beside an old gentleman of seventy, who appeared to be quite feeble.

At Forty-fifth street he pulled the strap and prepared to descend, leaning heavily on his cane as he did so. By some mischance the horses started a little too soon and the old man, losing his footing, fell in the street. Frank observed the accident and sprang out instantly to his help.

"I hope you are not much hurt, sir?" he said, hastily.

"I have hurt my knee," said the old gentleman.

"Let me assist you, sir," said Frank, helping him up.

"Thank you, my boy. I live at number forty-five, close by. If you will lead me to the door and into the house I shall be much indebted to you."

"Certainly, sir. It is no trouble to me."

With slow step, supported by our hero, the old gentleman walked to his own door.

It was opened by a maid servant, who looked with some surprise at Frank.

"I fell, Mary," explained her master, "and this young gentleman has kindly helped me home."

"Did you hurt yourself much, sir?"

"Not seriously."

"Can I do anything more for you, sir?" asked Frank.

"Come in a moment."

Our hero followed his new acquaintance into a handsomely furnished parlor.

"Now, my young friend tell me if you have been taken out of your way by your attention to me?"

"Oh, no, sir; I intended to get out at the next street."

"My dinner is just ready. Won't you stop and dine with me?"

"Thank you, sir," he said, hesitatingly, "but I promised to carry this bundle. I believe it is wanted at once."

"So you shall. You say the house is in the next street. You can go and return in five minutes. You have done me a service, and I may have it in my power to do something for you in return."

"Perhaps," thought Frank, "he can help me to some employment for my evenings." Then, aloud:

"Thank you, sir; I will come."

Have a good break.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26 finishing How the Other Half Lives

Learning Targets: 
I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text.

I determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.

 I can read and comprehend literary nonfiction.

 I can draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

I can integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 

In class:   Reminder that anyone participating in a field trip on Friday must take the vocabulary quiz before embarking on said outing. This will be available by Thursday morning. There are no make-ups after the break. The zero will stand.

 Due at the close of class today: Individual graphic organizers based upon your chapter. Note that this is a writing grade. Language conventions apply. This refers to correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar.

As your classmate, who completed the work noted: "This ...... ain't bad, if you actually do the reading." 

Based upon your particular chapter, please respond using the accompanying graphic organizer. (class handout / copy below) This is due at the end of class on Thursday. Take your time. This is a writing grade.

Name_______________________   How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis    chapter graphic organizer and fictional journal response.      Writing grade
1.       Read the assigned chapter carefully, underlining any words that you are unable to define contextually, that is from the overall meaning of the sentence.
2.       Respond to the questions below as they apply specifically to your chapter, making sure to write a complete sentence that weaves in textual evidence to support your response. You will not receive credit for the response, unless you have proof in a well-written sentence. (10 points each)
3.       Write a minimum 200 word journal entry that documents the experiences of a person living under these conditions. In other words, put yourself into the position of someone living in a late 19th century tenement building. You are expected to use facts based upon your excerpt from How the Other Half Lives and the chapter “The Genesis of the Tenement”. Be creative, but incorporate the facts. You may, as well, draw from your social studies’ knowledge, but make sure you are accurate. (70 points)
Part 1 questions:
1.       What are Riis’s attitudes toward poverty?
2.       What are Riis’s attitudes towards these immigrants?

3.       What does the excerpt say about Riis’s audience, such as their values and beliefs?

Part 2: Write a minimum 200 word journal entry that documents the experiences of a person living under these conditions. In other words, put yourself into the position of someone living in a late 19thcentury tenement building. You are expected to use facts based upon your excerpt from How the Other Half Lives and the chapter “The Genesis of the Tenement”. Be creative, but incorporate the facts. You may, as well, draw from your social studies’ knowledge, but make sure you are accurate. (70 points)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday, March 25 chapter excerpts from "How the Other Half Lives"

Learning Targets: 
I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text.

I determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.

 I can read and comprehend literary nonfiction.

 I can draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

I can integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 

Please turn in your graphic organizer on "Genesis of the

 Tenement".... If you were in class yesterday, turn in 

now, even if you did not complete.

In class:   Reminder that anyone participating in a field trip on Friday must take the vocabulary quiz before embarking on said outing. This will be available by Thursday morning. There are no make-ups after the break. The zero will stand.

We are continuing with the progressive journalist Jacob Riis's " How the Other Half Lives"
I have selected several chapters. Each student will read only one assigned chapter. These are all the same length.

Based upon your particular chapter, please respond using the accompanying graphic organizer. (class handout / copy below) This is due at the end of class on Thursday. Take your time. This is a writing grade.

Name_______________________   How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis    chapter graphic organizer and fictional journal response.      Writing grade
1.       Read the assigned chapter carefully, underlining any words that you are unable to define contextually, that is from the overall meaning of the sentence.
2.       Respond to the questions below as they apply specifically to your chapter, making sure to write a complete sentence that weaves in textual evidence to support your response. You will not receive credit for the response, unless you have proof in a well-written sentence. (10 points each)
3.       Write a minimum 200 word journal entry that documents the experiences of a person living under these conditions. In other words, put yourself into the position of someone living in a late 19th century tenement building. You are expected to use facts based upon your excerpt from How the Other Half Lives and the chapter “The Genesis of the Tenement”. Be creative, but incorporate the facts. You may, as well, draw from your social studies’ knowledge, but make sure you are accurate. (70 points)
Part 1 questions:
1.       What are Riis’s attitudes toward poverty?
2.       What are Riis’s attitudes towards these immigrants?

3.       What does the excerpt say about Riis’s audience, such as their values and beliefs?

Part 2: Write a minimum 200 word journal entry that documents the experiences of a person living under these conditions. In other words, put yourself into the position of someone living in a late 19th century tenement building. You are expected to use facts based upon your excerpt from How the Other Half Lives and the chapter “The Genesis of the Tenement”. Be creative, but incorporate the facts. You may, as well, draw from your social studies’ knowledge, but make sure you are accurate. (70 points)

Tuesday, March 24 "The Genesis of the Tenement"

Learning Targets: 
I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text.

I determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.

 I can read and comprehend literary nonfiction.

 I can draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

I can integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. 

Reminder: vocabulary quiz on Friday.  If you are on a

 field trip, you will need to make arrangements before 

hand; otherwise the grade is a zero.  

In class: class reading of Riis' 

"The Genesis of the Tenement"
      (class handout / copy below)

Accompanying text-based questions  (class handout / copy below)  Due at the close of class.

I. Genesis of the Tenement


THE first tenement New York knew bore the mark of Cain from its birth, though a generation passed before the writing was deciphered. It was the “rear house,” infamous ever after in our city’s history. There had been tenant-houses before, but they were not built for the purpose. Nothing would probably have shocked their original owners more than the idea of their harboring a promiscuous crowd; for they were the decorous homes of the old Knickerbockers, the proud aristocracy of Manhattan in the early days.
  It was the stir and bustle of trade, together with the tremendous immigration that followed upon the war of 1812 that dislodged them. In thirty-five years the city of less than a hundred thousand came to harbor half a million souls, for whom homes had to be found. Within the memory of men not yet in their prime, Washington had moved from his house on Cherry Hill as too far out of town to be easily reached Now the old residents followed his example; but they moved in a different direction and for a different reason.

Their comfortable dwellings in the once fashionable streets along the East River front fell into the hands of real-estate agents and boarding-house keepers; and here, says the report to the Legislature of 1857, when the evils engendered had excited just alarm, “in its beginning, the tenant-house became a real blessing to that class of industrious poor whose small earnings limited their expenses, and whose employment in workshops, stores, or about the warehouses and thoroughfares, render a near residence of much importance.” Not for long, however.

As business increased, and the city grew with rapid strides, the necessities of the poor became the opportunity of their wealthier neighbors, and the stamp was set upon the old houses, suddenly become valuable, which the best thought and effort of a later age have vainly struggled to efface. Their “large rooms were partitioned into several smaller ones, without regard to light or ventilation, the rate of rent being lower in proportion to space or height from the street; and they soon became filled from cellar to garret with a class of tenantry living from hand to mouth, loose in morals, improvident in habits, degraded, and squalid as beggary itself.” It was thus the dark bedroom, prolific of untold depravities, came into the world. It was destined to survive the old houses.

In their new rĂ´le, says the old report, eloquent in its indignant denunciation of “evils more destructive than wars,” “they were not intended to last. Rents were fixed high enough to cover damage and abuse from this class, from whom nothing was expected, and the most was made of them while they lasted. Neatness, order, clean-liness, were never dreamed of in connection with the tenant-house system, as it spread its localities from year to year; while reckless slovenliness, discontent, privation, and ignorance were left to work out their invariable results, until the entire premises reached the level of tenant-house dilapidation, containing, but sheltering not, the miserable hordes that crowded beneath mouldering, water-rotted roofs or burrowed among the rats of clammy cellars.”

 Yet so illogical is human greed that, at a later day, when called to account, “the proprietors frequently urged the filthy habits of the tenants as an excuse for the condition of their property, utterly losing sight of the fact that it was the tolerance of those habits which was the real evil, and that for this they themselves were alone responsible.”
  Still the pressure of the crowds did not abate, and in the old garden where the stolid Dutch burgher grew his tulips or early cabbages a rear house was built, generally of wood, two stories high at first. Presently it was carried up another story, and another. Where two families had lived ten moved in. The front house followed suit, if the brick walls were strong enough. The question was not always asked, judging from complaints made by a contemporary witness, that the old buildings were “often carried up to a great height without regard to the strength of the foundation walls.”

 It was rent the owner was after; nothing was said in the contract about either the safety or the comfort of the tenants. The garden gate no longer swung on its rusty hinges. The shell-paved walk had become an alley; what the rear house had left of the garden, a “court.” Plenty such are yet to be found in the Fourth Ward, with here and there one of the original rear tenements.
  Worse was to follow. It was “soon perceived by estate owners and agents of property that a greater percentage of profits could be realized by the conversion of houses and blocks into barracks, and dividing their space into smaller proportions capable of containing human life within four walls. … Blocks were rented of real estate owners, or ‘purchased on time,’ or taken in charge at a percentage, and held for under-letting.”

With the appearance of the middleman, wholly irresponsible, and utterly reckless and unrestrained, began the era of tenement building which turned out such blocks as Gotham Court, where, in one cholera epidemic that scarcely touched the clean wards, the tenants died at the rate of one hundred and ninety-five to the thousands of population; which forced the general mortality of the city up from 1 in 41.83 in 1815, to 1 in 27.33 in 1855, a year of unusual freedom from epidemic disease, and which wrung from the early organizers of the Health Department this wail: “There are numerous examples of tenement-houses in which are lodged several hundred people that have a prorata allotment of ground area scarcely equal to two square yards upon the city lot, court-yards and all included.”

The tenement-house population had swelled to half a million souls by that time, and on the East Side, in what is still the most densely populated district in all the world, China not excluded, it was packed at the rate of 290,000 to the square mile, a state of affairs wholly unexampled. The utmost cupidity of other lands and other days had never contrived to herd much more than half that number within the same space. The greatest crowding of Old London was at the rate of 175,816. Swine roamed the streets and gutters as their principal scavengers. 1 

The death of a child in a tenement was registered at the Bureau of Vital Statistics as “plainly due to suffocation in the foul air of an unventilated apartment,” and the Senators, who had come down from Albany to find out what was the matter with New York, reported that “there are annually cut off from the population by disease and death enough human beings to people a city, and enough human labor to sustain it.” And yet experts had testified that, as compared with uptown, rents were from twenty-five to thirty per cent, higher in the worst slums of the lower wards, with such accommodations as were enjoyed, for instance, by a “family with boarders” in Cedar Street, who fed hogs in the cellar that contained eight or ten loads of manure; or a one room 12 x 12 with five families living in it, comprising twenty persons of both sexes and all ages, with only two beds, without partition, screen, chair, or table.” The rate of rent has been successfully maintained to the present day, though the hog at least has been eliminated.
  Lest anybody flatter himself with the notion that these were evils of a day that is happily past and may safely be forgotten, let me mention here three very recent instances of tenement-house life that came under my notice. One was the burning of a rear house in Mott Street, from appearances one of the original tenant-houses that made their owners rich.

The fire made homeless ten families, who had paid an average of $5 a month for their mean little cubby-holes. The owner himself told me that it was fully insured for $800, though it brought him in $600 a year rent. He evidently considered himself especially entitled to be pitied for losing such valuable property. Another was the case of a hard-working family of man and wife, young people from the old country, who took poison together in a Crosby Street tenement because they were “tired.”

There was no other explanation, and none was needed when I stood in the room in which they had lived. It was in the attic with sloping ceiling and a single window so far out on the roof that it seemed not to belong to the place at all. With scarcely room enough to turn around in they had been compelled to pay five dollars and a half a month in advance. There were four such rooms in that attic, and together they brought in as much as many a handsome little cottage in a pleasant part of Brooklyn.

The third instance was that of a colored family of husband, wife, and baby in a wretched rear rookery in West Third Street. Their rent was eight dollars and a half for a single room on the top-story, so small that I was unable to get a photograph of it even by placing the camera outside the open door. Three short steps across either way would have measured its full extent.

TENEMENT OF 1863, FOR TWELVE FAMILIES ON EACH FLAT 2 D. dark L. light. H. halls.



Name____________________________   Jacob Riis “The Genesis of the Tenement”
Please respond to the following in complete, text-based sentences.
1.       What is the literary allusion employed by Cain in the first paragraph?
2.       Who were the “proud Knickerbockers” and what was their country of origin?
3.       How were the “necessities of the poor” exploited by their “wealthier neighbors”?
4.       Give two examples of “tenant house dilapidation.”
_____________________________________                  ______________________________________________
5.       How could estate owners “make a greater percentage of profit?”
6.       Describe the cholera epidemic.    ________________________________________________________

7.       How was the death of a child recorded by the Bureau of Statistics?

8.       How did tenement rents compare to uptown rents?

9.       How did the “hard-working couple from the old country” succumb to their brutal situation?

10.   Describe the living circumstances of the “colored family” and why they could not be photographed?

How the Other Half Lives   vocabulary           please define the following words
1.        promiscuous
2.        garret-
3.        slovenliness
4.        cupidity
5.        maxim
6.        to augur-
7.        rumpus-
8.        perambulate
9.        hegira  
10.      turpitude