Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday and Friday, April 15 and 16

Marking period grades are closed.

There will be no vocabulary quiz his Friday. This week's vocabulary quiz has been moved to next Tuesday, April 2, with the power point review on Monday.

Due at the close of class tomorrow: Your Maggie, Girl of the Street essay.

Here is a suggested detailed outline filled to the model on your handout. Use the transition words on your handout.

Introduction with author, title, genre. Establish the time frame / setting here of the novel and the circumstances of the time period.  Note that in topics 2 and 4 the protagonist Maggie has obstacles. You may approach these in any order.

I. family dynamics
 A. abuse
                        (consider father, mother)
B. Alcoholism

make sure to weave in textual examples with your own words.
Always give an analysis statement as to why this is an obstacle. This refers back to your original thesis.

II. economics
    A. As immigrants (Irish Catholics / Lower East Side)
    B. educational opportunities / process of inter grating in main stream America
    C. male vs female acceptable occupations.
again you must have specific text from the story.
Always give an analysis statement as to why this is an obstacle. This refers back to your original thesis.
III. ethical / social systems
      gender roles
again you must have specific text from the story.
Always give an analysis statement as to why this is an obstacle. This refers back to your original thesis.
         Do not restate the whole title.  Where the above the only factors that caused Maggie to fail? Make a larger connection beyond the story.


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