Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, Monday and Tuesday, April 24, April 27 and April 28 Poem Collection Project

Please be aware of the following.
Teachers – Signing this form will determine if students will be allowed to participate in end of the year activities such as:
9th/10 grade Semi-Formal – May 8, 2015
Senior Trip – May 15, 2015
Prom – June 6, 2015
If a student asks you to sign this form it means they are interested in attending one of the above events.  If they have no D’s or F’s THIS MARKING PERIOD they will be allowed to attend.
Student Name:   ___________________________________________________________
__________________________                    ____________________    Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

__________________________                    ____________________   Student has no D’s or F’s
Teacher’s name                                              Class

Students will be responsible for turning this form in upon purchasing a ticket to any of the above events.

In class: I am handing out copies of any work you have yet to turn in. Unless you had a legal absence, you have a zero.  Please turn the work by Monday, if you would like to receive credit. 

In  class for Friday, Monday and Tuesday everyone is working on the Poem Collection packet.

Directions: each poem has been assigned point value. You may earn up to 200 points.
1) All work must be completed on a separate sheet of lined paper- yours or mine
2) Begin with a MLA heading
3) Put the title (in quotes) of your poem choice. They need not be in any particular order.
4)  In order to receive credit for your poem, you must answer ALL of the questions in complete sentences, using textual evidence if required.
5.There is no partial credit for any poem. You must complete every response correctly in order to receive points.

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