Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wednesday, May 6 Modernism: "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" by Katherine Ann Porter

Giorgio de Chirico (Italian, born Greece. 1888–1978)

The Song of Love

Paris, June-July 1914
Oil on canvas

Giorgio de Chirico. The Song of Love. Paris, June-July 1914

This painting brings together incongruous and unrelated objects: the head of a Classical Greek statue, an oversized rubber glove, a green ball, and a train shrouded in darkness, silhouetted against a bright blue sky. By subverting the logical presence of objects, de Chirico created what he termed "metaphysical" paintings, representations of what lies "beyond the physical" world. Cloaked in an atmosphere of anxiety and melancholy, de Chirico's humanoid forms, vacuous architecture, shadowy passages, and eerily elongated streets evoke the profound absurdity of a universe torn apart by World War I.
 Learning target:  I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings.

Follow through with Roman numerals:

1.When was this building constructed?
Schiebekammer since 1873

 2.  Eastman School of Music, above the main entrance, it says: MDCCCCXXII
When was this building constructed?

3. . Post office  Buffalo

Image result for roman numerals on old buildings buffalo

In class: Vocabulary quiz Friday. 
               Comparing three literary movements: Romanticism, Realism and Modernism
              background Katherine Ann Porter's "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"  (class question handout / copy below)

looks at the world

precise details

reverence for Nature

character more
important than plot
no absolute truths

faith in imagination

events are plausible
concern with the

interest in the bizarre and supernatural

strong reaction against
traditional religious, political and social views

diction is natural, not poetic
abandoning traditional rhyme schemes and writing free verse

characters usually lower and middle class
complex ethical choices

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” by Katherine Ann Porter   background questions
In complete, well-written sentences, please respond to the following 5 questions (Avoid using “I think” or “I believe.” Obviously, each of these questions is complex, but I am asking you to come up with one of the many possible ideas that they should generate.
1.   What is the meaning and purpose of life?
2.   How do people cope with adversity and bitter disappointment in life?
3.   How do people survive from and adjust to painful life experiences?
4.   How do people’s experiences in life change their character and personality?
5.   What are the qualities that constitute mental and emotional health?

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